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Photo Information

  1. Файловое Имя gallery_1_38_233015.jpg
  2. Отметка времени Unix 1272114572
  3. Оригинальный Файловый Размер 285238
  4. тип файла 2
  5. Тип Пантомимы image/jpeg
  6. Секции Обнаружены ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF
  7. Ориентация 0-я Колонка - на визуальном верхе образа, и 0-я колонна является визуальной левой стороной
  8. X-Резолюция 100/1
  9. Y-Резолюция 100/1
  10. Устройство Резолюции 2
  11. Программное обеспечение ACD Systems Digital Imaging
  12. Дата Потребовалась 2010:04:24 13:09:33
  13. ПОЗИЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ YCbCr отцентрированное
  14. EXIF.SubSecTime 843
  15. Ширина изображения 1039
  16. Длина изображения 833
  17. IPTC. От-Линии AOL
  18. IPTC. Заголовок "My first camera was a little yellow underwater motor marine made by Sea & Sea which looked far more like a children's toy than a camera. My mother bought if for me for my 18th birthday present when I was working abroad in Egypt as a SCUBA dive guide. From there I swatted up on underwater photography with a few books that I found lying around the diving center and I taught myself the basics of shooting underwater. I seem to remember getting it wrong a lot of the time at the start but slowly the pictures improved and I learned how to measure light and what made a good image. My first great subject was a blue spotted ray who kindly sat for me for about 20 minutes as I fumbled with the settings. I still have the pictures." - Zena Holloway
  19. IPTC. Кредит Zena Holloway
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